
Showing posts from February, 2018

Book Recommendation No. 1 - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

As you may have gathered from the title... this post contains profanity. If the word fuck offends you, you may want to skip to the next post. If profanity is your thang, glad you came! Enjoy I am a self-professed, self-help junkie. My book shelves are lined with books that will help make me a better person and my audible library is all about getting my shit together, removing judgement, finding balance, and releasing my need to give a fuck about absolutely everything. I suffer from anxiety and most of the time my anxiety attacks (which feel kinda like a heart attack) are my own damn fault for caring to much about everything. My constant striving towards a better me, means that one day I may not enter into full-blown panic attacks when I over-think and over-analyse something to death. This book was a game changer for me. I've listened to it 4x in the last 2 years and I get new ah-ha moments each and every time. If you are one to struggle with anxiety and are consistent...

Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry

When you've been disappointed and let down so many times by the opposite sex you inevitably will just get to a point where you say, fuck it. I'll do it myself. Anyone else?  Comment YES if you agree.  # singleandproud # notimeforlosers   # moderndating101 SUBSCRIBE HERE

Being single may be the best option

After ending yet another shitty and chaotic relationship, I've come to the conclusion that I am better suited alone. It's not that I don't enjoy the partnership and companionship, or that I am selfish, I feel it is as though I don't know how to love properly. I'm a bad partner. I give so much of myself that I end up losing myself along the way. This is never a good thing in a relationship. I stand firm in my beliefs that when you are in a relationship, you should each maintain your lives outside of your relationship. I don't mean to lead double lives, I just mean that you should carry on with the YOU that you built before you became an US. I say this and I believe in this, but I haven't been able to uphold it. You see, I tend to attract men that need re-assurance and mass amounts of emotional support, men with trust issues and who are possessive, basically, men who need another mother. I start out strong, but over time their insecurities start to we...

Entitlement Issues

Truth is, we were lied to. Each and every one of us. Our parents lied to us all. They promised us the world and left out the very important part about "working for it." We were told we could be anything. Do anything. Have anything. What we weren't told is that in order to BE anything, DO everything and HAVE everything, we need to work our asses off for it. Unless you were born into the monarchy or a very affluent family, chances are shit ain't gonna be easy for you, sister. Chances are you're going to have to hustle that ass of yours in order to cash in on all the anything's and everything's you were promised. It takes work. Lots of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to burst your bubble and crush your dreams of greatness, vast wealth and incredible opportunities. I'm here to remind you that you are not entitled to any of it. If you want it, you're going to have to go after it. Hustle. Get uncomfortable. Grow. Learn. Ex...

what about when you stop feeling?

What happens when you stop feeling? Like, completely. You still feel love towards your kids, your cats and your family and friends, but your partner... You were in a committed relationship, it was going fantastic! You were head over heels in love. He made you laugh. He treated you like the queen that you are. He loved your kids. He CARED about your kids. You went RING SHOPPING with this dude. You planned on marrying him. You guys had made plans for the future: Fix up the current house, sell, buy a bigger house that will fit all the kids and be closer to work, get married and live happily ever after, right? Wrong. What happens when one day you wake up and realize that everything is gone. He's still there. He still loves and adores you, but all the feelings of love, all the emotional attachments, all the desires, the thoughts of a future together... they're gone. Poof. Disappeared. Gone-zo You can't bring them back no matter how hard you try. You c...

Do you feel your partner should be your EVERYTHING?

I've heard mixed reviews on this one and to be honest, I am not entirely sure which side I lean to, so I'd like to weigh in on the masses and get more ideas on this one. An even bigger you feel like YOU are capable of being someone's everything? Can you provide and fulfil absolutely every single need that another human being requires? Kinda makes you think. Do you feel that your partner should be your everything? Should they be the centre of your universe, the end all and be all. Your best friend, your lover, your side kick, you confidante, your soul mate, you go-to, your cook, your sugar daddy, the one you explore all sexual fantasies with. You get my drift. Is it possible for ONE person to be absolutely everything you need? So much so that you could survive solely on each other without any issues or concerns? Now I may be exaggerating here, but I want to hear your thoughts. In my opinion, I feel like the idea of being someone's everythin...

Modern Dating Intro

I don't know how you feel about it, but dating is hard. It can be entertaining, but sometimes it hurts. Heartbreak hurts. People, men AND women, can be assholes and can stomp all over your heart like they were sloshing through muddle puddles on a rainy day. Sometimes we fall so freely and expect so much that we put our entire heart into something only to have the rug pulled out from under us because something or someONE doesn't measure up to what you had expected. I developed a curiosity about dating and the world of relationships long ago. Why is it so hard? Why do we allow ourselves to get hurt so often? Why do we have such unrealistic expectations? Why do some fall so freely while others never seem to fall? What IS love anyways? Is there actually ONE true love for everyone? Is it possible for ONE person to fulfil ALL your wants, needs and desires... is expecting that from ONE person too much pressure and far too many expectations? Am I even confident that I could be ...